About me

In my workshop I work literally and figuratively ‘close to the tree’. I make furniture from solid wood. For a piece of furniture I prefer using the wood from one tree, giving each part of the trunk its appropriate place in the piece. The wood from the tree receives a second life in a durable object that is cherished for years to come.
My furniture is made through a dialogue with the client. These are personal objects, made to fit harmoniously in the space and daily life of the people who use them.
Preferably I work with European hardwood, but I use sometimes exotic species, because of their colour or technical qualities. Although I use machines, the finishing work is done with hand tools. I like to include traditional joints within my pieces.
+32 2 538 43 58
Wijngaardstraat 35
1703 Schepdaal
VAT BE 0511 940 066
account n° BE16 0011 9893 7174